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What’s holding you back?

Uncategorized Sep 05, 2020

Have you ever bought a great programme online, sounded brilliant and you eagerly accessed the first module, but life got in the way and you never finished it?

Whether it was an online learning programme, a course of coaching, an ebook (or manual) - with all the secrets and systems you needed to make it work, it’s easy to get ‘too busy’ to actually work through it.  Some people call it procrastination, some people call it laziness, your Mum probably says you never finish anything - but we’re all human.

Regardless of whether you start with the best intentions in mind, any trainer will tell you that if their delegates leave the training course and change ONE THING, they’re doing well.

Change means discomfort; you’ve heard people say it, ‘you’ve got to get out of your comfort zone’.  That’s true, but our subconscious is very, very good at finding reasons why not.  Not stupid or ridiculous reasons, but good rationale reasons why now is not the right time.

Then there’s the ‘use it or lose it’ issue.

For every day that passes from when you learn something, to when you apply in - and keep applying it regularly - the chances of action taking place reduce.  Leave it three weeks and you might as well forget it, unless you’re very, very dedicated or driven by a really hot fire under your nether regions!

When I run Masterclasses or the Ninja Investor Programme I see people who have the enthusiasm, are eager to learn and excited about what they know they can achieve.  Some of them go away and move mountains and get amazing results, but most don’t.  They know how, they have the tools they need, but something gets in the way.  That doesn’t mean they’re failures - they just need a different kind of help to move things on.

If you read my stuff much, you’ll know I’m a massive advocate of managing your mind-set.  Results come from actions, actions come from beliefs - and those come from social programming.  If you’ve spent your whole life believing that you can’t break out of your mould, it’s going to take a huge impetus to get you past that block.

That’s why smart people have coaches and mentors - they get help to hold them accountable and give them the encouragement and support they need to get over those beliefs that are holding them back.  In fact, a good mentor will help to build a whole new belief system.

If your property career is ready to take off, but something is holding you back - maybe you need to work with a group of like-minded people, who will encourage you and hold your feet to the fire.  Why don’t you take a look at the Ninja Aspirers group? It could be just what you need to get you off the launch pad.

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